Vintage | Nifty 50

So I was putting my DSLR away and glanced over to my film shelves...

There sat my gorgeous little 1980's Pentax-M 1:2 50mm...

The KP is a crop sensor so effective is 75mm.

I looked at it...

I looked at my KP...

I looked at it...

I looked at... ... ...

Okay, so we all know where this is going!

I popped it on my KP and went straight down the stairs to my favorite test ground...

Say it with me: kitchen table flowers.

My beautiful wife discovered years ago that fresh flowers on the kitchen table are something that just gives me a little inside smile no matter what the day brought - and since my rose garden isn't 100% consistent she always tries to have fresh but flowers from the flower shop on the table for me. Sorry, folks, she's taken - lord knows why she puts up with me, but so far looks like she's stick'n around.

Brand new body | 40 year old glass | A little sunny 16 math...

Break out the sun glasses and black leather jacket 'cause this was Fonzarelli level cool!

Technically you could use the 'green button' on the KP to do the sunny 16 math for you if you weren't sure about the light.

Okay, I was way too geek'd out to be anywhere NEAR Fonzarelli level cool - but you believed me there for a minute, didn't ya'? ;)

Sadly, I was so geek'd out that I did not specifically note my f-stop - which, of course, the KP had no clue of so could not embed in the EXIF. I know I shot the last two at f2 and f2.8 (which explains the pretty darn shallow DoF on each of them) and I think the first was at f8 (which would explain the entire bunch being pretty well in focus).
Disclaimer: I usually shoot RAW, which I did here but also did RAW+... and I posted the JPGs right out of camera - which I don't ever do... but I was excited... too excited to wait to process! ;)


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