Never what I expect...
The zoo is always fun for me with my camera, but I can say that there are a few shots each visit that are not what I had expected to shoot.
Most of our trips to the zoo start a day or two ahead of time with some discussion about a new zoo baby or an animal we haven't visited in a while - so I usually arrive with those particular animals and potential images in my head.
My plan for today - bring the K3Mii wearing the Tamron 70-200 2.8 to get some shots of the Albino American Alligator and the KP wearing the Pentax 100 2.8 Macro just in case since the Lego exhibit is also there.
For the most part I am usually successful in getting those shots - the ones in my head prior to arrival...
Got alligator shots... Got Lego shots... they were okay - nothing to write home about.
Don't get me wrong, they were totally cool to see - but the alligator was solid white and not in a great position for photographs... and the Legos - well, they were Legos... maybe it is just me, but I don't think Legos really photograph all that well - particularly surrounded by tons of foliage that is WAY to close to get any bokeh to wash them out of the background.
but there is always at least one that I just sort of come across - that just catches my attention and becomes part of my list as if it were on the list all along and I just hadn't noticed it until right then...
Like this one of a giraffe at a 'feeding experience' station...

We happened to walk by between 'guest feeders' and I saw the giraffe and keeper waiting patiently and both looking down at 'something'... and though I got that 'something' in another shot I intentionally kept it out of this shot for two reasons:
1. with that 'something' not visible the story in this image was more open to interpretation... (IMHO)
2. the composition helps emphasize the much greater size of the giraffe compared to the keeper - but shows both at complete peace and very comfortable with one another... (again, IMHO)
Then there were these shots of a beautiful rhino...
There is no other word - it was just beautiful... Truly. Take a trip out to Brookfield Zoo and you'll see... just beautiful.
just out for a stroll.

We were walking past and the rhino happened to come right up to the area we were walking past - but I didn't know it was coming (couldn't see it as we approached until we were on top of it) so missed the shots... but something made me stop and wait... and wait... and wait... and wait...
My family eventually realized I was in for the long haul and found a bench in the shade.
Eventually the rhino came back on the same basic route and this time I was ready... and the second one above (with the smile) is truly my favorite shot of the day.
I also got this capture of another giraffe taking some respite from the sun under a tree... and this one was a bit of a photographic conversation in my head because I took one from pretty much head on (it was ok) and then one from an angle but still clear shot (it was better) and then this one with some leaves intentionally between the giraffe and the camera to give a little DoF in the shot...

Another fun shot... The duck family that just happened to be at the lake... so cute.

I do have to admit that I missed a potentially epic photo of a pelican yawning... like who even knew that was a thing!?!
It was SO cool to see... and, as my son always reminds me, having that amazing experience together was well worth the lost shot.
Yes, buddy... yes it was.
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