Meet My Crew...

So, this is my core crew... relaxing at home waiting for quarantine to lift...

One the left, in the back, we have the the enforcer, the K3, wearing top hat and tails - the 150-450... top hat removed and set aside (left/front)...

Then old yeller, the K7, sporting the ranger - the 55-300...

Next the overseer - the Rokinon 14mm...

Then the grifter, the KP, sporting a lovely little eye-spy - the 50mm 1.4 - though she is eye-spying her favorite little black dress to her left (your right) - the 100mm 2.8 Macro...

Next we have Frank and Dino, the K1Mii duo... one wearing his shirt with the top buttons undone, 28-70, with a little bling on top, Godox R2ProII trigger, while the other is running top down and ready for anything...

That's my crew - well, most of them...

As for the rest, well... I would introduce you but then they'd have ta'... ya' know.


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