Today was opening day at the local Heron Rookery. To provide some protection for the nesting ground the public is only allowed to view on certain days, at certain times, and only from designated areas. The site is actually utilized by herons, egrets, eagles, and many other species - and today pretty much all of them had young in the nests, all of them popping their heads up now and again looking for food.
Having this rookery so close provides a wonderful opportunity to observe these majestic animals without disrupting their natural habits. Since it is so close I am able to visit a few times a year pretty easily... and that means that if I don't see a lot of great photo opportunities on a given day I can just enjoy the birds and some back another day to try again for photos.
Today was kind of a mixed bag - there was a lot of time the birds were just too far away to really get great shots, but there were a few good really great photo opportunities as well.
To me, this was pretty much the perfect outing - beautiful weather, amazing animals, a good amount of just relaxing and watching the birds, and a few photos I was quite pleased with to round out the day.
Some of the shots I enjoyed most were of one egret who did a nice slow fly by - still as a fair distance, but close enough to grab captures I will enjoy sharing with family and friends as well as looking back on over time.
Actually, I think he/she had just swapped 'sit on the nest duty' with their spouse and was determined to begin 'gather nesting materials and food duty' with a little 'joy flying' to stretch their wings.
I'll put those here... but there is more to the story down below...

Then I got some 'action' shots of two egrets having... um... a bit of a heated discussion - both determined to make their point... but these shots at a VERY far reach... my 450mm pushed to its limits, as you will see.
Again, I'll put those here... but there is more to the story down below...

I didn't get any 'great' Great Blue Heron shots...
I didn't get any 'great' Bald Eagle shots...
But I did get one of my favorite EVER shots...
So, we are all standing and watching all these amazing birds fly and nest and fight and so on... when someone says...
"Look at that baby goose go!"
I turn to look and here is this little baby goose headed off at full speed... as fast as a baby goose can swim... for some spot that we can't identify but he/she has decided is the coolest place on earth... so he/she needs to get there NOW.
Thing is, momma goose is not quite convinced.
The other goslings are nowhere to be seen - though it does appear momma keeps looking back as if to keep an eye on them... somewhere... over 'there'... 'there' being exactly 'not' where the gosling is headed.
Momma keeps honking... baby keeps ignoring her...
Momma swims a little to not let baby get too far...
Momma honks... baby ignores her... and keeps going... a full speed... like a little fluffy arrow that has been released toward its target and has no choice in the matter but to continue on its path until said path ends at said target.
This goes on...
Momma honks...
Baby ignores...
Baby gets ever so slightly further away...
Momma paddles a little to close the gap...
Momma glances back toward... the rest of her goslings?
Momma honks...
Baby ignores...
Baby gets ever so slightly further away...
You get the idea...
But this little dance of wills provides me my favorite capture of the day...
not an egret...
not a swan...
not a heron...
not an eagle...
... ... ...
A goose and her gosling...
Both determined... neither truly wining the debate... but neither willing to concede... both locked in that eternal parental struggle with that one strong willed child...

And that's my story...
or rather, their story...
wrapped up in my story...
Our story - of a wonderful day, in a wonderful place, with wonderfully amazing creatures...
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