Animal Attitude...

Spent a little time at a small local zoo today...

The day was grey and cold...

Very grey...

And very cold...

So the animals were not much in the mood to be either in a good photo position or to move about very much...

Warmish spot and snuggled up was pretty much their position and their attitude...

And I can't really blame them.

"Stop. Pointing. That. Camera. At. Me. It's cold and I'm froofed for warmth."
"Hey, photo boy... one wing - take the shot. Got it? Good. Now go away so I can re-snuggle-up... it's cold."
"Hey, photo boy... one wing - take the shot. Got it? Good. Now go away so I can re-snuggle-up... it's cold."
"Okay - Fine... one regal pose..."
"Okay - Fine... one regal pose..."
"Now go away. Blaaaaaaah!" 
"Now go away. Blaaaaaaah!"


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