Non-Conforming Lines

I love lines... that don't conform...

Lines that are perfect except for that one perfectly pefect imperfection...

I love capturing organic lines when they reveal their organic-ness... their potential for disorder... for something, just one thing, to get 'out of line'...

And when it happens it just makes the line so much more interesting...

It can happen at the back of the line...

I love the contrast of everyone else looking dead straight forward and him in the back looking very intently and in a line perfectly 90 degrees off the rest of them...

It can happen at the front of the line...

I love the 'organic line' components of this photo - the obvious one but also the little smirk on her face that make her dimple just bend the line of her smiling face...
I love the 'organic line' components of this photo - the obvious one but also the little smirk on her face that make her dimple just bend the line of her smiling face...

It can happen in the middle of the line...

I was always the shortest - no, this is not me in the photo but I always made every line I stood in look pretty much like this...
I was always the shortest - no, this is not me in the photo but I always made every line I stood in look pretty much like this...

It can be a simple tilt...

That last hat - "I just gotta' be me!"
That last hat - "I just gotta' be me!"

It can be just a set of two and two - where one of the two of the two just decides to have a little fun...

I just hear the hat on the ground saying to the hat up on the harness in a drone of a voice - "Phil, would you quit playing carnival ride and get back down here so we can take the photo..."
I just hear the hat on the ground saying to the hat up on the harness in a drone of a voice - "Phil, would you quit playing carnival ride and get back down here so we can take the photo..."

And then there is this line - which is perfectly in line but still a favorite because the standout in it is the amazing kid right in the center...

Yeah - I might be a little biased on this one...  ;)
Yeah - I might be a little biased on this one... ;)

I love the framing of the face in this one but also that each instrument of the three you can really see is at a slightly different angle...

People all aligned... Horns: First one - 90 degrees... 2nd one - 85 degrees... 3rd one - 80 degrees...
People all aligned... Horns: First one - 90 degrees... 2nd one - 85 degrees... 3rd one - 80 degrees...

And then there is 'line of sight'... "Twofer" on this one...

The smiles really make this photo, obviously... and the line of sight is subject to subject...
The smiles really make this photo, obviously... and the line of sight is subject to subject...
While in this one, which obviously still has that amazing smile component, that has line of sight straight off to the right broken with the one right into the camera... I actually got several of these three young ladies in similar composition - two looking one way and the other looking another...
While in this one, which obviously still has that amazing smile component, that has line of sight straight off to the right broken with the one right into the camera... I actually got several of these three young ladies in similar composition - two looking one way and the other looking another...

But of course there has to be a break in this line of examples to prove my premise by contradiction - some nice conforming lines to be the standout in my examples of non-conforming lines......

The band in a line - beautifully (IMHO) bokeh'd, the line of the turf, the blue line, the lines in the football seams... okay - I give you that the white stripe on the football does not complete the loop, but it is straight (in a consistent curve) and ends perfectly at two seams with one in center.
The band in a line - beautifully (IMHO) bokeh'd, the line of the turf, the blue line, the lines in the football seams... okay - I give you that the white stripe on the football does not complete the loop, but it is straight (in a consistent curve) and ends perfectly at two seams with one in center.


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