Picture Books Contain Infinite Stories...

Unlike a 'written' book, which contains a finite amount of words, a picture book contains literally every word you know. I love to read, but I enjoy picture books for the simple reason that I get to read whatever story I see in the images based on who I am and how I interpret the images based on my history, my joys and sorrows, and even my day right up to the moment I pick up the book.

Maybe that's one of the reasons I love photography so much - the ability to capture a moment that tells an entire story simply by making a record of the configuration of light at one pivotal moment.

No sound. No motion.

No reference what so ever beyond the light as it was configured and frozen at that exact moment.

There is an amazing elegance in capturing that one amazing story telling image and I can feel it in my core every time I capture 'that' image on any given day out shooting. That feeling is what drives me to keep rolling off shots... it is the very core of my personal passion for photography.

But... I must admit that there are exceptions where I think the story is just too big for one single frame. Maybe I just need to hone my photographic skills, but sometimes I just can't get the whole story in one frame.

Here are a few examples of when the images I captured just compelled me to give in to a multi-image story.

Kline Creek Farm - Each photo tells a piece of the story on its own, but the series together was just too powerful for me to not tell the whole story with this compilation.
Kline Creek Farm - Each photo tells a piece of the story on its own, but the series together was just too powerful for me to not tell the whole story with this compilation.
A simple prep of dough for Christmas cookie day tradition at our house... many photos followed of the 'fun' parts - shaping and decorating... but I these captures made me realized that I typically left out the whole story of everything my wife does prior to the 'fun parts'.
A simple prep of dough for Christmas cookie day tradition at our house... many photos followed of the 'fun' parts - shaping and decorating... but I these captures made me realized that I typically left out the whole story of everything my wife does prior to the 'fun parts'.
Detail Photos from Blacksmith set -
I was specifically looking to get the sparks on this shot so had to bring down the shutter speed a bit - 1/30th - handheld. It was nice that there was a window off to the left letting in perfectly filtered light on tools but trailing off near the fire - could not have asked for better ambient light.
I was specifically looking to get the sparks on this shot so had to bring down the shutter speed a bit - 1/30th - handheld. It was nice that there was a window off to the left letting in perfectly filtered light on tools but trailing off near the fire - could not have asked for better ambient light.
I had to play with the ISO and aperture on this one to get the water but also keep detail int he fire and coals.
I had to play with the ISO and aperture on this one to get the water but also keep detail int he fire and coals.
I had to play with the ISO and aperture on this one to get the water but also keep detail int he fire and coals.
I had to play with the ISO and aperture on this one to get the water but also keep detail int he fire and coals.
Maintaining that slower shutter was my goal here to get the motion of the mallet.
Maintaining that slower shutter was my goal here to get the motion of the mallet.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though... a few below the vice.
Took a few of these hoping for sparks - not so much, though... a few below the vice.
Played with the settings to get the fire but also detail in the coals.
Played with the settings to get the fire but also detail in the coals.


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