Non-Conforming Lines
I love lines... that don't conform... Lines that are perfect except for that one perfectly pefect imperfection... I love capturing organic lines when they reveal their organic-ness... their potential for disorder... for something, just one thing, to get 'out of line'... And when it happens it just makes the line so much more interesting... It can happen at the back of the line... I love the contrast of everyone else looking dead straight forward and him in the back looking very intently and in a line perfectly 90 degrees off the rest of them... It can happen at the front of the line... I love the 'organic line' components of this photo - the obvious one but also the little smirk on her face that make her dimple just bend the line of her smiling face... It can happen in the middle of the line... I was always the shortest - no, this is not me in the photo but I always made every line I stood in look pretty much like this... It can be a simple tilt... That...