Get a little perspective...
How often have you heard, or said, that someone needs to ‘get a little perspective’ or ‘change their perspective’? I recently pondered the concept of ‘getting a little perspective’ as I was sitting an enjoying a demolition derby. Now, the English language can be a bit imprecise, so let’s start with a little dip into what exactly that phrase means. In photography it’s a phrase that means exactly what it says – to literally see, though the camera, something from a different angle: get up high, get down low, move around to another side of the subject, or simply zoom in or out. In common parlance, as with so many things, it is not quite so clear cut. If you are trying to console a distraught friend then you may say it in a particular way in an effort to help and support them with whatever issue they are grappling with. If you are trying to win an argument with a particularly stubborn or aggressive adversary then you may say it in a particular way to insult and intimidate them in a...